import requests import json import requests import re import time import os ''' 使用方法:https://www.jysafe.cn/4498.air author: msojocs ''' class FC(object): cookie = "" available = False ocrServer = "" def __init__(self, cookie, ocrServer): self.cookie = cookie self.ocrServer = ocrServer pass def fuckCourse(self, profiledId, courseId): try: body = { "optype": "true", "operator0": courseId + ":true:0", "lesson0":courseId, "schLessonGroup_" + courseId:"undefined" } req = requests.post("http://jwgl.cuit.edu.cn/eams/stdElectCourse!batchOperator.action?profileId=" + profiledId, headers={ "cookie": self.cookie, "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest", "Referer" : "http://jwgl.cuit.edu.cn/eams/stdElectCourse!batchOperator.action?profileId=" + profiledId, "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.0 Safari/537.36 Edg/84.0.521.0" }, data=body, timeout=5, allow_redirects=False) req.encoding = 'utf-8' html = req.text ret = re.search(r"margin:auto;\">\n\t\t\t\t(.*)<\/br>", html) if ret == None: print("cookie过期") exit(-1) pass print(ret.group(1)) req.close() if '成功' in ret.group(1): print('get') return True except Exception as err: print("出错") print(err) return False pass pass def getPic(self): url="http://jwgl.cuit.edu.cn/eams/captcha/image.action" headers = { 'cookie': self.cookie } picReq=requests.get(url=url, headers=headers) # print(picReq.content) return picReq.content pass def postOCRPic(self, pic): url = self.ocrServer files = {'captcha': pic} data = { 'enctype':'multipart/form-data', 'name':'captcha' } ocrReq=requests.post(url=url, data=data, files=files) # print(ocrReq.content) return json.loads(ocrReq.content) pass ''' ''' def checkCaptcha(self, captcha, profiledId): url="http://jwgl.cuit.edu.cn/eams/stdElectCourse!defaultPage.action" headers = { 'cookie': self.cookie } data = { 'captcha_response': captcha, 'electionProfile.id': profiledId } checkReq = requests.post(url=url, headers=headers, data=data, allow_redirects=False) # print(checkReq.text) # 未登录与验证码错误都是302,但Location去向不同 if checkReq.status_code == 200 : self.available = '操作 失败:不在选课时间内' not in checkReq.text return True elif 'sso' in checkReq.headers['Location']: # 转到统一登录中心 print('cookie失效!!!') exit(1) return False pass def isAvailable(self, captcha, profiledId): url="http://jwgl.cuit.edu.cn/eams/stdElectCourse!defaultPage.action" headers = { 'cookie': self.cookie } data = { 'captcha_response': captcha, 'electionProfile.id': profiledId } checkReq = requests.post(url=url, headers=headers, data=data, allow_redirects=False) # print(checkReq.text) # 未登录与验证码错误都是302,但Location去向不同 if checkReq.status_code == 200 : return '操作 失败:不在选课时间内' not in checkReq.text elif 'sso' in checkReq.headers['Location']: # 转到统一登录中心 print('cookie失效!!!') self.cookie = input("请输入新的cookie:") False return False pass ################### 入口 ########################### if __name__ == "__main__": # 加载配置 with open('config.json',encoding='utf-8') as f: config = json.load(f) cookie = None profiledId = None courseId = None if cookie == None: cookie = input("请输入cookie:") if profiledId == None: profiledId = input("请输入profiledId:") if courseId == None: courseId = input("请输入courseId:") print("开始了呀") cuit = FC(cookie, config['ocr_server']) # 验证码 cnt = 0 while True: pic = cuit.getPic() ocrResult = cuit.postOCRPic(pic) print('OCR: ' + ocrResult['result']) # 按识别出来的验证码写入文件 with open('pic/' + ocrResult['result'] + '.jpg', 'wb') as file: file.write(pic) checkResult = cuit.checkCaptcha(ocrResult['result'], profiledId) if checkResult: break cnt += 1 time.sleep(0.5) if cnt % 5 == 0: print('验证码错误次数过多, 等待5秒') time.sleep(5) print('验证码检测通过,等待1秒') time.sleep(1) # 检测开放状态 print('检测选课开放状态') cnt = 0 while True: if cuit.isAvailable(ocrResult['result'], profiledId): break pass cnt += 1 print('没有到选课时间,等待5秒 - ' + str(cnt)) time.sleep(5) # 抢课 print('开始抢课') i= 0 while True: i += 1 print(i) if cuit.fuckCourse(profiledId, courseId): break time.sleep(0.5) if i >= 20: i = 0 os.system("cls") pass pass pass